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Updated: 2024-08-30


Catarrh is the irritation and swelling, also known as inflammation, of the inner linings of the nose and throat, also known as mucous membranes. The inflammation causes a buildup of mucus. A cold, allergy, infection or tiny growths, known as polyps, in the lining of the nose or sinuses can cause the condition.


Symptoms vary. But symptoms might include a runny or stuffed nose, a feeling that something's stuck in the throat, and a constant cough.


To ease symptoms, drink fluids and rinse the nose with salt water. Use a device to add moisture to air in the home, known as a humidifier. Stay away from things that can irritate the nose, such as dust and smoke. Steroid nasal sprays and medicines to unclog the nose, known as decongestants, might help.